Oriol Benedet aka Aran Tente is a DJ-Producer and Live Artist. (Born January 8, 1983). Percussionist, DJ, songwriter and record producer. Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, by a family of creatives. After finishing his studies, he started working in the audio industry and then he’d the opportunity to work behind the scenes of the music industry, producing and recording a range of music styles at Producer Loops Ltd., Currently the world largest distributor of Sample Packs. During these years he has released a huge amount of samples with catching melodies that have topped the sample charts and also have been used by acclaimed producers for their compositions. He has also managed a record label, released some records and performed at different venues across the globe.


Tell us about the first track that put you on the map in the electronic scene and the journey since. How did you get started?

I released ‘I wonder’ sometime ago, after becoming a father. I get the melodies and lyrics while working on another job and I think the song has questions and concerns about us as a society directly influenced by the fact of paternity. and the journey since that, has been to take care of my loved ones, trying always to be the best version of my self, learning every day as much as I can and find the way to have a life as pleasant as possible for me and the people around me.

Tell us about your latest project Stars

Far from sounding cliché, I made ‘Stars’ with a lot of love, thinking in the mother of my sons. Unfortunately the relationship ended, but I decided to release the song also because of the love and respect I have for that person.

Listen to ‘Stars’ on Spotify!


Tell us something we wouldnt normally find out about you?

I really like “Caragols” with “All-i-Oli”! I know it may seem strange but it is very common in Spain and Catalonia. I guess all countries have something to eat that surprises from the outside.

What single night out has been most memorable for you as a dj and producer?

I was DJing in Japan when I was 24 years old and I admit that that country and Tokyo in particular fascinated me

Give us the name of one track that never gets old for you no matter how many times you listen to it?

I would say with any doubt, “I Feel Love” by Donna Summer. This song is part of my first nights in the mid-90s at Florida 135 in Fraga, (Huesca) when Tony Verdi was the resident dj.  I really have very good memories of that time…

Dream collaboration and why?

Lewis Capaldi could be the one. I like him very much at this moment. It could be an exciting project.

If you could play any festival, which would it be?

Lollapalooza could be great!

How do you get a track started? tell us about your production process

It depends if I have the lyrics or not. But first, I always find the chords, the bass line and add some percussion and work on the drop. Then go on with the arrangement, effects and details. later the mixing and finally the mastering. But I usually rest for a couple of days always at the end of each stage to stay fresh with the next. and working early in the morning with good coffee is essential too!

Latest project? What are you currently working on?

I have too new singles al most ready so I hope to release some new stuff in the early soon. Both tracks are very cool With amazing vocals and catching melodies so I hope people like it.

The relationship between a dj and the audience is crucial, and yet is seems to be a fragile one – how do you see the balance between giving the crowd what they want and treating them to something new?

Well, that’s a good question. I think the easiest way to introduce news is dosed without pretending to change the current situation much. but this is the safest way. so as not to be too wrong. however, the drastic changes are those that bring great surprises and create trends. but obviously they carry a risk depending on the position in which you are. I guess intuition plays a very important role in this case.  We cannot forget that we are talking about music so in the end everything is based on what you hear or feel.  I think that risking or staying in the comfort zone depends on whether the moment / time is right or not. so, we will have to be alert to feel it and hopefully be able to take advantage of it

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