Nathassia has reinvigorated her 2019 release ‘Star Sapphire’ with a brand-new remix, made especially for her world-renowned radio show ‘Goddess Is A DJ’. The track is dark and dramatic bursting at the seams with a cacophony of synths as Nathassia gets to work in showing off her incredible skillset and finely tuned ear for exceptional dance tunes.

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Her hair-raising vocals are a highlight in ‘Star Sapphire’ as the high tones and attention-grabbing lyrics work in perfect harmony. As the track progresses, the music transforms to an uplifting and ethereal sound with each element energising your soul as you listen. ‘Star Sapphire’ truly takes you on a journey through the melodies and emotion, all whilst having major club potential.

Nathassia Feature 2 | Soundrive

Nathassia is a powerhouse of an artist who uses her worldly influences to deliver a sound that is entirely unique and hypnotic. Her discography is seriously impressive with hits such as ‘Light Of The World’, ‘In My Head’ and ‘Change The World’ have all received widespread praise from both fans and the industry itself. Nathassia’s creative flair is a trait that keeps her ahead of the curve and certainly drums up excitement as to what she gets up to next.

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