AFTRLIFE Entertainment is bringing you a new way of watching your favorite artists directly to your smartphone. With a simple, cheap mobile VR headset you can access events in full 360 view, and be immersed inside a new world 1 on 1 with the artist. We have done events with artists such as Ghastly, Riot Ten, Tynan, and more. Our goal is to bring these events to your phone on a monthly bases, and give you a different reality during these times of not being able to see the artists in the clubs or festivals. We do this because we are fans of these artists as well and want to do our part in keeping the dance music community going strong.

This Friday January 29th at 12PM CST  we are very excited to be bringing the house vibes of the Disco Fries, with support from artists around the U.S such as US2, KITTRIX, MEILIN, MUNZ, WOLVERO, and our very own AFTRLIFE artist FLOG. While 360/VR goggles are recommended for the full experience it is not required. There will still be a 2D/TV version available, to still catch the vibes.

How Do I Watch?

Easy, To watch any of our events such as SPYWARE, you can purchase a ticket online in our shop at
once the ticket is purchased you will be emailed your ticket code and the website link. From your phone you can click the website link and type in your ticket code and you are in, Or download the AFTRLIFE Entertainment Mobile app and click the VR/360 option. When on the site you choose your phone type and which event you would like to watch.

Get your tickets for SPYWARE ft. Disco Fries below

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